There are two ways to find out about your activity with Nautilus, known earlier as The Minnesota Opera New Music-Theater Ensemble (1986 to 1992), The New Music-Theater Ensemble (1992 to 1996), and Nautilus Music-Theater (1997 to the present). This list also includes some pre-Nautilus activity, dating back to 1983.

1. You can SEARCH BY NAME by clicking on the first button below; it will take you to a search page and you can enter your name or the name of the person you are looking for. Every occurrence will appear. You can click on you name and it will take you to the page about that particular project. Hit your “Back” button on your browser to return to the search list

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2. You can BROWSE BY PROJECT by clicking on the second button below; it will take you to a browsing page where you can select a program (The Wesley Balk Opera/Music-Theater Institute, the Nautilus Composer-Librettist Studios, Rough Cuts, fully-staged Productions, or selected Community Projects); a list of every project within that program will appear, listing all personnel.